How do I edit text in PebblePad?

Open an Asset and click into a text box area.

Start typing, the text formatting toolbar will appear at the top of your screen and looks like this:


You can use this toolbar to format text to your liking.

Copy and Paste from Word

If you prefer working in Word, PebblePad will keep a great deal of Word formatting if you copy and paste text over. It will keep any bold text, italics, underlines, strikethroughs, font size, colours, highlight & alignment. It will even retain most fonts from Word, despite not offering these fonts in the PebblePad text editor.

Copy and Paste from a Website

If you have copied and pasted text from a website or other source, you may find that it has copied over the original formatting too (for example the text is bold, in different sizes or in a different font to the rest of your text). You can use the Remove All Formatting button (Tx) to remove this formatting if desired and reset your text.

To remove formatting - use the Tx button in the toolbar.

Tx button


To change the format of your text - Highlight the text you want to change and use the drop down menus in the toolbar to change:

Styles: You can choose from a list of preset styles e.g. Title, sub header, normal, hint.

Font: You can change the font and size of the text, change the colour or highlight, apply emphasis e.g. bold. 

Paragraph: You can change the text alignment, apply bullets and numbering, or apply an indent.


To add a link (e.g. to your other Assets or a website)

Hyperlinks pasted directly from other websites will retain their hyperlink status in your PebblePad page. 

Please follow this FAQ on How do I create links to my Assets or websites in PebblePad? for more detailed guidance.


Bullet points

To create line spaces between bullet points:

  • Press enter on your keyboard
  • click the bullet point button on the toolbar to remove the additional bullet created by the line space. (Backspace delete will not remove the bullet point).


The image below demonstrates a line space between bullet points:

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