How do I compress images in my Microsoft document?

If your document is only slightly larger than the 50mb that Turnitin allows, try saving it as a PDF, as this will automatically reduce the file size.

If your document is not uploading into Blackboard Assignment there is a 500mb limit, this can occur if using audio and images, try compressing your images.

Compressing Images

The example below shows how to compress your images in a Word document but this is the same for PowerPoint too. 

Any Microsoft file containing a number of large images compress them to avoid assignment upload issues.  

  • We recommend that you create a copy of your original file before compressing, and always check the quality of images after you have reduced the file size.
  • Try compressing images at the point of pasting into your document or this can be actioned after as needed:

In Word to compress images, click on an image and the ribbon will open in Picture Format mode. Choose the Compress Pictures in the first section called 'Adjust'.


  1. Select an image - there will be a box around it and the ribbon across the top will change into Picture Format mode.
  2. Click the option 'Compress Pictures' (Ribbon - Adjust section)
  3. In the Compress Pictures pop-up window... You can then choose an output size. If your original document is very large you might need to check the E-mail option to significantly reduce your file size.

 Word Compress Pictures, uncheck 'Apply only to this picture' and choose 'Email'


Check the quality of your pictures, ensuring all content is still accessible in the compressed document and ​save​ again.

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