How do I find copies of past dissertations, projects or theses in Discover?

To find Theses and Dissertations online, in Discover, enter your subject keywords and look in the left limiter menu for Format and select Thesis/Dissertation.  This mainly covers Theses (PhD level) from the British Library's EThOS online service.  To expand your search and look for dissertations/theses from other libraries, scroll to the bottom limiter Held by library and select 'Libraries Worldwide'.

We keep very few print dissertations, projects and theses in the Library. You can search Discover using the search box below to find print dissertations/theses we hold.  We advise searching for your subject area if possible, eg 'business':


You may wish to look at those for a similar subject, and we also advise you to ask your course team if they have past examples.

Leeds Beckett PGR theses (MPhil, PhD, DBA etc.) are held in the Leeds Beckett Theses and Data Repository. Beyond Leeds Beckett, the British Library's Ethos repository allows you to search the PhD theses which they hold. 

Also, Open DissertationsPQDT Open (via ProQuest), and Dart are further sources of research theses and projects from around the world.

Please contact us if you need further help.

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