How do I access Microsoft Teams?

To access Microsoft Teams in a browser

Go to:

If asked to log in, use your student email address and password.


To access Microsoft Teams through MyBeckett

  1. Log into MyBeckett.
  2. Scroll until you find Library and Student IT. 

  1. Select Access your Email, OneDrive and Office 365 Portal. This should take you to the Microsoft Office page where you can also access other Microsoft Apps, such as Word. 
  2. Click on the Teams icon.

    Microsoft Teams Icon


  1. The website version of Microsoft Teams will now open.

Use the navigation bar on the left hand side to select Teams.
All Teams that you have been added to will appear under the Your Teams section. 

Microsoft Teams home Page


To download the Microsoft Teams app onto your device

Go to this page, select Teams for work or school, and follow the on-screen instructions:
Download Microsoft Teams for Desktops and Mobiles.


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