How do I place a reservation on an eBook on ProQuest Ebook Central?
If you are unable to access an Ebook Central eBook online, it usually means that the maximum user limit has been reached at that time. It is possible to electronically reserve the item so that you receive an email alert once the book is available.
- If the maximum number of users has been reached, the Read Online button will be greyed-out and under Availability the title will say In Use. If you wish to reserve the title, press the Place Hold button under the book picture.
- The first time you do this you will get a message saying You do not have a confirmed Wait List email. If you see this you will need to go to your profile via the link in the message, or by using the Settings tab on the top right of the screen.
- On the Profile page find the Wait List Email box, and enter your student email. Scroll down and tick the I agree to ProQuest's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service box, and then click Save Changes. This will send you a confirmation email. It can take 5 minutes to arrive.
- Once you have confirmed your email you should be able to use the Place Hold function and should not need to enter your email on subsequent tries.
- After placing the reservation, when the book is available, you will be notified by email. The title is reserved for 4 hours. You must access the book in this time for priority access. If you access after 4 hours, there is no guarantee of access, and you may need to reserve it again. The email notification displays that you have 3 hours, however it is rounding down, so it means you have 3.59 mins, not 3 hours only.
- To access your reservation, you can either click the Read Your Book link in the email, or search for the title again through Discover. Furthermore you could log into the Ebook Central platform directly.
- You can see information on your holds via the Bookshelf on Ebook Central.
- Your reservation on the title will expire if you have viewed the read online option and then click out the book or close the browser. If multiple users use the book, you will no longer be able to access and will need to request another reservation.
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