There may be several reasons why permission to copy/re-use a work might not be obtained, including where the rights holder:
· is unknown (orphan works)
· cannot be located (no address, ceased trading etc.)
· refuses permission
· does not reply
· charges an unreasonable copyright fee
No reply from a rights holder does not indicate they are happy for you to use the work.
If you are unable to obtain permission, you can still submit your complete thesis for examination, however, the copyright material which is not cleared for use should be removed or redacted before the thesis can be published online.
See FAQ How do I redact/remove material from a thesis?
Once your thesis is published online, it is subject to the “Notice and Takedown Policy”, section 5.6 in the eThesis Policy.
If the repository receives a complaint or proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed immediately. Withdrawn items are not deleted but are removed from public view; the item’s identifiers/URLs are retained, but the metadata of withdrawn items will not be searchable.
If you are the author of a thesis and have reasons for its removal from the repository, please contact, who will investigate on a case-by-case basis.