What is the Alternative Formats service?

An assessment of your need for the Alternative Formats service will be made by your Disability Advisers and will be detailed in your Reasonable Adjustment Plan.

If you haven't been recommended this service but feel you would benefit from it, contact your Disability Adviser to have your needs assessed.

Working with your course team the Alternative Format Service can provide accessible copies of the books on your module reading lists.  This may include links to ebooks and PDF files which can be viewed on a computer screen and read aloud using screen reading or text-to-speech software.  These files are for your own personal use and should not be further copied or distributed to or shared with other students.

The Library Disability Support Team will show you how to use assistive software with the reading materials to suit your needs.

We work with publishers and other organisations to obtain the files you need but we may not always be able to source everything on your reading list.

If you are recommended for the Alternative Formats Service in your Reasonable Adjustment Plan the Library Disability Support Team will contact you to explain more about the service.

Please note that your course team is responsible for ensuring the accessibility of course documents such as your module handbook. 

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