What is a strong password?

A strong and complex password should be hard to guess or break.

  • Your password should be a minimum of 12 characters (and a maximum of 20)
  • It should ideally contain random letters, numbers and special characters. Examples of special characters you can use are #  % & ' ( ) * + - / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | }
  • Don't use numbers or words that are related to you (eg birthdays, pets' names, favourite sports team etc).

It can be difficult to select a new password that meets all the requirements but please see these examples you could try:

  • Frame your password with an old postcode, inserting symbols or numbers half way through, for example a previous home postcode that people are unlikely to know (LS10 4WB) and a pets birthday (010514) would generate ls100105144wb. Then add a special symbol
  • Use a family or friend's old car registration and combine it with other letters and symbols, for example the registration (KD12 GHT) and owner's initials (DHB) plus a symbol would generate KD12GHTDHB&
  • To increase the security of your password you should also change a letter within your password to a symbol or number, for example KD12GHTDHB would become KD12G!TDHB

Take a look at our guide on 10 ways to make your password stronger for more information.

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