Why is password security important?

Passwords protect your device or accounts. They keep your information private and safe from others. They need to be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess or break. If someone discovered your password they could gain access to sensitive information including your financial data. It is important that you do not share your password with anyone else.

Choose strong passwords so it is more difficult for people or machines to guess them.

  • Your password should be a minimum of 12 characters but it can be longer.
  • Try combining at least 3 random words to make a strong but easy to remember password. 
  • Make it complex by including; upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters in between the random words. Examples of special characters you can use are # $ % & ' ( ) * + - / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } 
  • Avoid words or numbers that can be easily guessed or connected to you (eg birthdays, pets' names, favourite sports team etc).
  • Make it significantly different to any previous passwords. 
  • Always use a different password for different accounts. That includes admin accounts. 
  • Keep your password private, avoid sharing it with anyone and don't write it down. 
  • Change it immediately if you suspect that your password has been compromised. 

Take a look at our guide on Protecting your password for more information.



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