I am having Westlaw login problems. What should I do?

If you are seeing 'no valid registration key error’ when trying to access Westlaw, please email libraryonline@leedsbeckett.ac.uk from your Leeds Beckett email and we will report this to Westlaw to resolve.

If you are met with the below screen when trying to access a Westlaw link, you will need to manually sign in. This is most likely to happen off-campus. Start the process by hitting Access through Open Athens, at the bottom of the page:

Westlaw sign In page - Sign in using OnePass - with Username and Password boxes and an Access through OpenAthens option underneath

On the next page type Leeds Beckett into the Find your organisation box, and click on it when the drop down becomes available:


This should take you to a University login page, where you can input your standard Leeds Beckett username and password.


Once you do this and click Sign in it should take you through to Westlaw, where you should be signed in and able to access content. To check this you can click on Account in the top right corner, where it should say your name and student email address.

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