Discover (the main Library search tool) is not yet compatible with EndNote Web/EndNote Online importer, so you must export the required reference data and PDFs.
- On the results list either select individual items clicking Cite (or to download multiple references click Save against each reference and use the Saved Items link at the top of your results to view all your selected, now click on Cite at the top of your list of saved items)
- Choose Export to EndNote and download the file.
- The file will download automatically to EndNote Web.*
- If you want to save a PDF you must download that from Discover and click on the paperclip icon ('View file attachments') under the entry to upload it.
*If your file does not automatically open in Endnote Web do the following:
- In Endnote Web go to the Collect tab and Import References
- Select the downloaded .ris file
- Select RefMan RIS under Import
- And select a group, or [unfiled] to import the references into.
- Then click the blue import button
- Again if you want to include PDFs you will need to save these separately and attach them as above.
For more help please contact your Academic Librarian Team.