The EndNote Harvard LeedsBeckett 2021 style is attached to this FAQ as a file.
This is the style you will need to upload to EndNote Desktop (X9 or 20). Save the style file to C:\My Documents\EndNote\Styles. The PCs on campus should already have this style, and it should also be available in EndNote Online/Endnote Web.
When you work in Word you should see the style listed in the drop-down style menu.
If your device permissions do not allow you to save the style to C:\My Documents\EndNote\Styles, then you can follow the alternative instructions below:
- Download the style
- Double-click the style file. It should open in EndNote
- On the open style, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”. Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”
- Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”
- Then go back to your EndNote Library and go to "select another style". Choose it from the list.
- In Word, on the Endnote ribbon, click the Style drop-box and choose Harvard Leeds Beckett. Choose Select another style if it isn't showing, locate from the list and click OK.
If the style is not showing in Word:
Click on your EndNote Word Ribbon
Click in the EndNote Word Ribbon on “Preferences”
Choose the tab “Application”
Change the checkbox from “EndNote online” to “EndNote”
For further guidance, please contact your Academic Librarian Team.