How do I search for print books in Discover?

1. Using the Discover tabbed search box,  select 'Print Books and eBooks' and enter either a keyword, or the specific title of the book you are searching for. 

image of discover search box selecting print and ebooks with book title


2. This will open up Discover search results in a new browser tab and you may be prompted to sign in with your Leeds Beckett University log-in details. This will then display a list of items that are available at Leeds Beckett University. 

3. This results page will display both print and eBook titles. In order to view print books specifically, please scroll down the menu on the left hand side of the results page and tick 'Print Book'. This will limit your search results to print items currently available in the library. 

screenshot of filtering options on Discover, selecting print books only








4. The Discover results list will filter to print books only. You can select the title of your choice to determine if copies are available to loan, where the title is located, and the option to place a reservation to collect the item at the campus library of your choice. 

acess options for a print book on Discover, including availability, location and to place reservation



These videos also show you how to search for and find books in the Library. 


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