Why am I seeing a link to Portico book reviews when trying to access a resource in Discover?

Some results in Discover look like they are books or articles but they are in fact book reviews, supplied by Portico. So if you see a link that takes you to a website called Portico to access, please follow the steps below, bearing in mind that a book review may only be of limited use.

Below is an example of what looks like an article. The title is actually the title of a book but the item is a book review. The View full text link takes you to the correct page but you then need to browse to find the correct item using the Volume, Issue number and page number.

Portico item in Discover


Clicking on the View full text link takes you to the Portico site (can take a few seconds to load). Here you will see a search box with a list of results underneath. The book review will be in the list but you have to find it. In this case you are looking for Volume 44, Issue No: 4, Page no: 323.


Portico list of results


Clicking on the HTML link will show you the full text.


Portico result

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