Why don't the total number of books returned in my Discover search add up?

If you are seeing a larger total than the sum of it's parts, e.g. the total number of books (144) is higher than it should be (29):

Discover result showing incorrect 144 total books, 17 ebooks, 11 print books, 1 thesis


Apologies, this is a known bug in Discover which incorrectly includes extra book records. To correct the number and remove the incorrect records, just select any of the eBook/Print Book/Thesis options and Discover correctly re-calculates the number:

Discover result showing 11 print books, total 11


If you subsequently re-select all options you will also see the correct total and records:

Discover result showing correct 29 total books, 17 ebooks, 11 print books, 1 thesis


Our suppliers are aware and will fix this bug soon.

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