How do I turn on the option to see my Borrowing History in MyAccount?

  1. Sign in to Discover on the top right-hand side of the screen (your name will appear if you are already signed in)
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to My Account
  3. Click on Profile
  4. On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see the title Borrowing History
  5. Beneath this is a toggle button 'Enable my borrowing history'
  6. To enable your borrowing history slide the toggle button to the right
  7. You will now be able to keep track of any items you have used in the Library
  8. Entries will be added to your borrowing history as you return them to the Library
  9. Whenever you now log in you will see a 'Borrowing history' tab in your drop down menu
  10. You can disable your borrowing history at any time by sliding the toggle button to the left
  11. You will see a pop-up message warning you that all your history will be deleted if you turn the option off.

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