How do I submit a video via a Blackboard Assignment?
There are different ways to submit video assessments. Before following the steps in this FAQ, please check if your module contains other instructions about how to submit your video.
If you have been directed to submit via a Blackboard Assignment, please follow the instructions on this page.
The steps below show you how to submit a video recording for assessment or upload your recording if using your own devices using Panopto via a Blackboard Assignment.
- Do not try to submit any recording directly, use the method below to upload a pre-recorded video it into Panopto following the steps below.
- Videos can be created using Panopto to add to a Blackboard Assignment, choose the option to record a video shown below.
Your module tutors will have set up an assignment link in the module.
- Click on the assignment link in your module.
- Click on Create Submission.
- In the text box, click on the three dots to expand the toolbar.
- Click the plus icon (the final icon on the bottom row).
- Select Panopto Video Submission.
- Either Choose, upload or record a video.
Explanation of tabs:
- Choose means that you can select a video that you have already added to your Panopto account. Don't worry if this area is empty.
- Upload means that you can select a video from a location on your computer. Upload is the option you are most likely to choose.
- Record means that you can use Panopto's in browser or in app recorder to create a new video.
- When your video has finished processing, click Insert at the bottom right.
- Remember to check that you have pressed the Submit button, there are two screens that follow for submitting. After submission, you will receive a confirmation email from Panopto and a Blackboard submission receipt via email.
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