How do I take QuickScan / dyslexia test?

​QuickScan is a short questionnaire which will help you find out your learning mode, your need for study skills support and any indications of dyslexia or dyspraxia.

It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. A full report will be generated when the test is complete.

You can make an appointment with the Library Disability Support Team if you would like some help to take the QuickScan questionnaire. 

QuickScan Tutorial

To access QuickScan:

  1. Go to QuickScan 
  2. Click on the Start button
  3. Complete the form, you do not need to fill in the "QuickScan Number: For existing reports only" box.
  4. If you are not yet enrolled on a course or do not yet have a student ID you will need to enter an alternative in the Student ID field.  Use your surname and date of birth, e.g. bloggs010699.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions

Once completed, you will able to view, print and save your personalised QuickScan report.  Please make a note of your QuickScan Number in order to access your QuickScan report again at a later date.  It will start with the letters LBU followed by a series of numbers and letters.

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