When you graduate you have around 3 months to move any data you wish to keep to personal storage before you lose access to your University account, webfiles, MyBeckett, Office 365, and Onedrive. If you wish to keep your files, you will need to transfer these to personal storage (e.g your own device, a personal Onedrive, or Google Drive).
It is a good idea to download a copy of your dissertation with feedback for your records and any other assessments. If you have used PebblePad, remember to create your PebblePad Alumni account.
Please do remember that your Leeds Beckett OneDrive has 1TB of storage but free personal OneDrive accounts only come with 5GB so you may need to choose which files to keep or copy your files to a physical drive on your PC.
Any support needed, please contact the Library and Student IT Advice team.