How do I submit a video for assessment?

This Student FAQ explains how to submit a video presentation via a Blackboard assignment.

How to submit a Panopto video to a Blackboard assignment:

  1. Click on the assignment link to enter the assignment submission area, then click Create Submission 
  2. In the text box toolbar, click the 3 dots and then click the plus icon

Plus Icon on the text box in Blackboard Assignment allowing you to upload, or record presentation.


  1. After clicking on the Plus icon, select Panopto Video Submission option

Panopto Submisison


  1. Now you can Choose a video from your list (if pre-recorded) or Upload a video or Record a video / screen capture via the browser
  1. Wait until the video has finished processing, then click Insert
  1. Your video will be embedded, you can choose to edit or redo before submitting.
  1. When you click Insert the next screen is the submission link, can also add comments about your submission to the text box.
  2. *IMPORTANT! Ensure you click Submit before closing your browser tabs by clicking Continue and the next screen shows the option to Submit:

Blackboard Assignment submission point, click Continue and the next screen shows the option to submit more files as well as the Submit button. 


Submit button showing on the final screen of a Blackboard Assignment with the option to upload further files to your submissions if required. If you do not click submit your work will not be marked.

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