The detailed instructions that used to be here have been removed because they only applied to certain course modules. They are available via this link to our FAQ: How do I submit a video via a Blackboard assignment?
Module teams can choose various different ways to provide you with tools to submit video and other multimedia for assessment. So, it is crucial that you carefully follow the instructions provided in the MyBeckett module concerned. You may need to work differently in different modules.
If you have difficulties following the instructions that are provided you can seek help from the Library support staff.
- Communicate the ID and/or title of the module you are working on. Support staff will need to know this in order to read the instructions you have been given.
- Make it clear whether you need help creating the multimedia content or help submitting your multimedia content for assessment.
- Explain which software you need support with. (Library support staff will find it easier to support standard desktop tools such as PowerPoint than specialised video editing software.)