What accessibility features are available for ACLS Humanities eBooks?

Various software and tools can be used to enhance the accessibility of eBooks. The options will depend on the eBook format, whether you are reading it online or downloading it, features you would like to use and personal preference. Our recommendations are below, along with alternatives under 'More accessibility options'. 

Before you begin we recommend that you:

Accessibility information from the provider:

You may find the ACLS Humanities accessibility statement helpful. 

Read aloud:

Online format:

We recommend following these instructions for using the Microsoft Edge browser Read Aloud tool. If that does not work, you can use Read&Write software to have unselectable text read aloud.

For books where Text rendition mode is available, you can have the eBook read aloud to you by switching to Text rendition mode. Click on the Settings button in the top right of the screen and under the Rendition heading choose Text and click Save Settings. Then follow these instructions for using the Microsoft Edge browser Read Aloud tool.

Downloaded PDF opened in Edge:

We recommend opening the PDF in Edge and using the Edge Read Aloud tool

If Edge doesn't read the file, this may be because it is an image PDF (i.e. a picture of text). You can try converting it into an accessible PDF first using SensusAccess (subject to the copyright restrictions detailed on the SensusAccess page).

Change background colour:

Online format:

There is no inbuilt option to change the background colour. You may be able to change background colours using your web browser or operating system settings.

Downloaded PDF:

There is no inbuilt option to change the background colour. You may be able to change background colours using your web browser or operating system settings.

Change text size:

Online format:

Click on the Settings button in the top right of the screen and choose from a range of zoom levels up to 400%. Text does not reflow (automatically adjust to fit on the page at the new zoom level) when the zoom level is changed. You can also change the zoom level of the whole web page using your browser. To zoom in, press Ctrl (Windows) or command (Mac) and the + key. To zoom out, press Ctrl/command and the - key.  Press Ctrl/command and 0 to set the zoom level back to default. When you zoom the text does not reflow (automatically adjust to fit on the page at the new zoom level).

Downloaded PDF opened in Adobe Reader:

The download will open in your web browser, which does not give access to the Adobe Reader settings you need to use to alter the zoom level. First, use the Save or Download icon to save the eBook to your computer, and then open it from there with Adobe Reader.  If you get a message at the top of the page which reads "This file claims compliance with the PDF/A standard and has been opened read-only to prevent modification", click Enable Editing and click OK. Then you can change the page zoom from 10% - 6400% using the plus and minus symbols on the top bar. You may be able to make the text reflow (automatically adjust itself to fit on the page at the new zoom level) by following these reflow instructions. Unfortunately, with some titles you may find that the Reflow setting doesn't work, and the spaces between words may be lost when it is activated.

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