How to export to video from within PowerPoint
After you've created your presentation slides and recorded any timing and narrations and laser pointer gestures that you want to include, you're ready to create a video file.
NOTE: The resulting video file is likely to be huge - it is unlikely that you will be able to send it attached to an email for example. It could be given to someone on a USB storage device. You may be able to upload it to a video streaming service such as Panopto or YouTube but you will need to be connected to a fast and reliable Internet connection.

- Open PowerPoint via the Desktop app.
- Click File > Export > Create a Video
- Next select the video quality you want, this will depend on the resolution of the finished video. The higher the video quality, the larger the file size and the slower it will be to export.

- The second drop-down box under the Create a Video heading tells you whether your presentation includes narration and timings. Switch to this setting if created.

- Click Create Video then enter a filename and in the Save as type box, choose MP4 / MPEG-4 Video or Windows Media Video.
Links to other FAQs:
How do I submit a video for assessment?