How do I access my virtual e-Bookshelves?

Virtual bookshelves are an easy way to save your favourite eBooks on individual platforms. You can access your virtual bookshelves from the following links on several eBook platforms.

  • To access the eBook Central Bookshelf go to the eBook Central site and click on BookshelfHere is a direct link to the eBook Central BookshelfTitles can be added to the bookshelf by clicking on ‘Add to bookshelf' icon on the title information page.
  • To access the VLebooks bookshelf go to the VLebooks site and click on Bookshelf. Here is a direct link to the VLebooks BookshelfTitles can be added to the bookshelf by clicking on the ‘Add to Bookshelf’ icon on the title information page.
  • To access your saved favourite titles on Sage Catalyst, go to the Sage Catalyst site and click on Favourites. Here is a direct link to Sage Catalyst FavouritesTitles can be added by clicking the ‘Add to Favourites’ icon on the title information page.

You can also create personalised lists within Discover to save items and references. The Discover lists are an efficient way to save all your books, e-books and journal articles in one place, which you can easily refer back to in your account. For further information, please see our FAQ How do I view my search history and save results?

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