What accessibility features are available for Oxford Learning Link eBooks?
Various software and tools can be used to enhance the accessibility of eBooks. The options will depend on the eBook format, whether you are reading it online or downloading it, features you would like to use and personal preference. Our recommendations are below, along with alternatives under 'More accessibility options'.
Before you begin we recommend that you:
- Use Microsoft Edge as your web browser. This is freely available and on all Library PCs. Microsoft Edge is our recommended tool for reading online format and downloaded PDF eBooks aloud, and changing the background colour and text size of online format eBooks.
Accessibility information from the provider:
You may find the Oxford Learning Link accessibility statement helpful.
Read aloud:
We recommend following these instructions for using the Microsoft Edge browser Read Aloud tool.
Change background colour:
Click on the Main Menu icon then click on the Settings icon
. You can choose one of the four available themes, or click on Add custom theme to select your own combination of font and background colours.
Change text size:
Click on the Main Menu icon then click on the Settings icon
. You can choose one of the five available text size options.
More accessibility options:
- You can change the zoom level of a whole web page using your browser. To zoom in, press Ctrl (Windows) or command (Mac) and the + key. To zoom out, press Ctrl/command and the - key. Press Ctrl/command and 0 to set the zoom level back to default.
- You may be able to make text on your screen appear larger using inbuilt features of your operating system.
- Microsoft Edge can be used to change the zoom level of PDFs but the text does not reflow (automatically adjust to fit on the page at the new zoom level).
- You may also be able to change colours using your web browser or operating system settings.
- For additional accessibility options for PDFs e.g. changing font colour, see: Accessibility tools within Adobe Reader
Software and tools:
- Texthelp Read & Write software (which is installed on all Library PCs) provides accessibility tools
- There is also a browser toolbar Read & Write for Google Chrome (also works in Microsoft Edge) which offers many of the functions of the full software
- See the Assistive Software page for more information about Read & Write and other tools
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