Unable to access a resource in Discover which states 'At Leeds Beckett University' / 'At Libraries Worldwide'?

Due to the sheer number of resources from different suppliers feeding into Discover, sometimes you are linked to a resource which you cannot access which incorrectly states: 'At Leeds Beckett University' or 'At Libraries Worldwide' (rather than Available / Green tick)


example of resource records with the phrases 'At Leeds Beckett University' and 'At Libraries Worldwide' highlighted

However, there is still a chance that we do have access to the resource which you may be able to find by making a note of the article details and cross-checking the journal title in our Journals A-Z. Please see this student FAQ for further information on how to locate a journal article this way.

If we don't have access to an article that states 'At Leeds Beckett University' or 'At Libraries Worldwide' you may be able to apply for an article via the Request It service. Also some articles that we do not have access to should give the 'Request It!' button, but instead state 'At Libraries Worldwide'. Again worth applying for, but you will have to manually request it in My Account.


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