Nursing (Undergraduate) - How do I complete ePAD placement forms (evidence of hours, offline assessment) using PebblePocket?

If you are an undergraduate Nursing student you will be using either the 'ePAD' or the 'MYEPAD' workbook to record your placement documentation. In addition to this, you can use PebblePocket to access various forms for use on placement. If you are using MYEPAD, please see here for information regarding forms available to you.

For students using ePAD, you will have access to the following forms on PebblePocket:

  • 'Evidence of hours' form
  • Offline assessment' form

These forms allow you to record the details of hours or an activity, and allow staff who do not have full access to your workbook to add their details and sign the form using a signature pad on your phone screen (similar to signing for a delivery).

To create one of the above forms using PebblePocket:

  1. Open PebblePocket on your phone and tap on 'West Yorkshire & the Humber ePAD'. If you do not see this section listed, you will need to log in first – see our How do I download and log in to PebblePocket? FAQ.

 Screenshot showing the PebblePocket home screen



  1. Tap on either 'Evidence of hours' or 'Offline assessment form'.
  2. Complete the form fields. For 'save as...' you will need to give your form an appropriate title, which will be the Asset name in your PebblePad Asset Store. Make sure you give it a descriptive title (e.g. for Evidence of hours form - 'Evidence of hours - DATE'):

  Screenshot showing the evidence of hours form



  1. If you are working with a Practice Assessor or someone overseeing your activity/shift, tap the 'Add signature' button to enable them to digitally sign your form. NOTE: If you see a 'Have you finished adding content?' warning, tap on 'continue to sign', as you have already written the hours on the page and don't need to write them again here.

  Screenshot showing the save to device button on the evidence of hours form



After signing, they will need to tap on 'Save & Lock', and then 'Lock' to return to the form, so that you can save it. Please note, this will lock the form so that you can't change any of the other fields:

  Screenshot showing a signature, with the save and lock button below it



  1. To save the finished form, tap 'Save to device' and you will receive confirmation that the form has been saved to your phone:

  Screenshot showing a completed and locked evidence of hours form, with the save to device button


  Screenshot showing the confirmation alert message when an evidence of hours form is saved to device



  1. The final step is to upload the completed form to your Asset Store in PebblePad, so that it may be added to your hours page in your workbook. Tap on 'My Assets' at the bottom of the screen and you will see any assets saved on PebblePocket.
  2. Tap 'Send all' in the top right corner and then 'Send' again to upload your Assets to your Asset Store:

  Screenshot showing the send to Pebble+ send button



  1. A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete:

 the success confirmation message when an asset is sent to a users asset store



9) Check your Asset Store on PebblePad and your Asset will be listed. You may now attach it as evidence to your timesheet within your workbook - see our How do I attach evidence to my Workbook in PebblePad? FAQ for guidance.

  Screenshot showing the PebblePocket form saved in a users asset store after sending from PebblePocket


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